Learn Sun Salutation in 3 days!

The Ayurvedic Morning Routine

In Ayurveda, the ancient science of holistic wellness, the morning routine is considered a sacred practice that sets the tone for the rest of your day. This ritual, known as "Dinacharya," is tailored to align your body, mind, and spirit with the rhythms of nature. Embracing the Ayurvedic morning ... READ the POST

Ayurveda Detox

A large part of Ayurveda deals with the buildup of toxins. Ayurveda detoxing is the process of removing toxins from our bodies, minds, and spirits, so these two concepts go hand in hand. How do we acquire these toxins? Toxins buildup naturally as we interact with our environment; when we eat, drink, ... READ the POST

Ayurveda in Spring: An Insight to Kapha Diet and Lifestyle

According to the ayurvedic system, every season is associated with a specific set of qualities or “dosha” that define it. Ruled by Vata dosha, the winter months are characterized by the dark, dry, and cold atmosphere that is prevalent in the surroundings. As the sun begins to linger in the sky for ... READ the POST

Morning Yoga Routine: A great addition to a better lifestyle

If your day begins with you hitting the snooze button multiple times and spending a considerable amount of time scrolling through your phone, maybe it is time to do something different. Waking up to your phone might seem convenient, but it is extremely toxic for your mental as well as physical ... READ the POST

6 Yoga Poses for Energy in the Morning

We’ve all been there. Some mornings you wake up and can barely drag yourself out of bed. It might feel impossible but these are the mornings where you should think about rolling out your mat and do a 15 minutes yoga sequence. We’ve put together 6 poses that will not only give you energy for the day ... READ the POST

An Ayurveda Morning Routine for Minimalists (or busy yogis)

Do you have a Morning Routine? How are you going to take time out of your fixed schedule of waking up, going to work, sitting at your desk all day, and then driving back home to relax on your couch, binging on your favorite show? Maybe that’s your entire routine, at least on weekdays. We often ... READ the POST

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Mantra helps up your understanding to your life and destiny. Blissflow provides useful and encouraging tools to start your day.




Mantra helps up your understanding to your life and destiny. Blissflow provides useful and encouraging tools to start your day.
Just love it ???? because it puts me in a great mindset, thank you ????????




Just love it ???? because it puts me in a great mindset, thank you ????????
Just printed off the journal and am super stoked to use it. Lots of great insight and info here.




Just printed off the journal and am super stoked to use it. Lots of great insight and info here.
Your newsletter is one of the best. I subscribe to a lot and this is up there with the best....




Your newsletter is one of the best. I subscribe to a lot and this is up there with the best. I love it . I also love Tim Ferris 5 bullet Friday thanks for all the sharing.