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Pitta Season: Ayurveda For Summer

It’s hot. Like, really hot. The humidity around here is probably 200%, the bugs are buzzing from flower to flower, and I can’t spend enough time next to a body of water. It can only mean one thing: IT’S PITTA SEASON! What is Pitta Season, you may ask? Pitta is the dosha that rules summer and is ... READ the POST

Yoga Poses for Pitta 

The Pitta dosha is characterized by light, hot, fluid, oily, and intense. The elements of Fire and Water comprise the Pitta dosha. The energetic force Pitta generates facilitates internal bodily activities like digestion, absorption, assimilation, and body temperature regulation. It stimulates ... READ the POST

Ayurveda and the Seasons of Life

The summer heat is in full swing where I live. As the seasons continue to turn and a new spoke on the wheel passes us by, I’m struck with how our years have seasons, but our lives have seasons, too. Just like the doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, rise and fall among the seasons of the year, so, too, ... READ the POST

Ayurveda For Headaches

Nothing can ruin your day (or night) like a headache. I know for me, headaches make me want to curl up in a ball on my bed and pull the covers over my head, shutting out the world and hoping tomorrow will be better. Ayurveda, as per usual, has a better way to help us feel better. We know Ayurveda is ... READ the POST

What’s Your Dominant Dosha?

Whether you’ve been around for a while or are new to Blissflow, you’ve probably heard me talking about doshas. We’ve touched on them a little, but I want to get into what each dosha is and why they are vital to our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Like any other aspect of our bodies, if ... READ the POST

Ayurveda Detox

A large part of Ayurveda deals with the buildup of toxins. Ayurveda detoxing is the process of removing toxins from our bodies, minds, and spirits, so these two concepts go hand in hand. How do we acquire these toxins? Toxins buildup naturally as we interact with our environment; when we eat, drink, ... READ the POST

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Mantra helps up your understanding to your life and destiny. Blissflow provides useful and encouraging tools to start your day.




Mantra helps up your understanding to your life and destiny. Blissflow provides useful and encouraging tools to start your day.
Just love it ???? because it puts me in a great mindset, thank you ????????




Just love it ???? because it puts me in a great mindset, thank you ????????
Just printed off the journal and am super stoked to use it. Lots of great insight and info here.




Just printed off the journal and am super stoked to use it. Lots of great insight and info here.
Your newsletter is one of the best. I subscribe to a lot and this is up there with the best....




Your newsletter is one of the best. I subscribe to a lot and this is up there with the best. I love it . I also love Tim Ferris 5 bullet Friday thanks for all the sharing.