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Yoga Poses for the Ether (Space) Element

Even though Ether is the most subtle of the elements, it should not be overlooked. It is linked to the Throat Chakra (Vishudda or the 5th Chakra) and encompasses all that exists within our world. Ether stands for intuition, wisdom, stillness, and freedom of expression.

The 5th chakra, as well as the ether element, emphasize communication both within ourselves and with the universe.

When it comes to yoga, poses like Savasana help to tap into the wisdom of the universe. Also poses that focus on the throat like camel pose, fish pose or plow pose are great. Here are our 7 favorite Ether poses.


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Bridge Pose – Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Bridge pose helps to build the core and lower body strength. It lengthens and strengthens your spine, energizes the body, and can stimulate your endocrine and nervous systems.

Lay down on your back. Bend both or your knees and place the feet flat on the floor – hip distance apart. Bring your arms alongside your body with the palms facing down – your fingertips should be able to touch your heels. With your next inhale, press the feet into the mat and lift your hips up. Engage the legs and buttocks while trying to keep the knees hip-width apart.
You can interlace the fingers to increase the leverage or bring the arms over your head and stretch your whole upper body. Stay here for minimum 5 breaths. To release, slowly roll your spine back on the mat.


Wild Thing – Camatkarasana

Wild Thing Pose provides a stretch to your chest, shoulder and front legs and hence strengthen them accordingly. This pose is also very effective in toning your arms and upper back. Practice this asana daily to combat fatigue and mild depression.

Start with the Downward-Facing Dog Pose and bring your weight into your right hand. Now, come onto the Side Plank Pose. Next, inhale and lift your hips gently, keeping your right hand strong. While you exhale, set your left foot back, placing your toes on the floor with the knee partially bent. Curl back your upper back and extend your left arm. Keep on breathing and hold for 5-10 breaths.


Camel Pose – Ustrasana

Camel Pose strengthens your back while opening your shoulders, chest, and quads. It can boost your energy and mood.

Come to your knees with your legs hip-width apart. Place your palms on the sacrum with the fingers pointing down. Inhale, engage your belly and reach your tailbone towards your knee. Exhale press the hips forward while squeezing the buttocks and thighs. Your hips should stay over your hips! If you are comfortable, carefully reach one hand down to the heel, then the other. If you can’t reach your heels, leave your hands at the sacrum. Make sure not to pinch your shoulders together. Only if it feels good, lower your head and neck down. This is a deep,vulnerable backbend which can create some anxiety. Make sure you are warmed up and listen to your body.


Shoulder Stand – Salamba Sarvangasana

Shoulder Stand stretches the shoulders and the neck and strengthens the legs. It stimulates the thyroid, the prostate glands, and abdominal organs. It also improves digestions and can calm the brain and releasing stress.

Come to your back and bring your arms on the mat alongside your torso. Bend your knees and bring your heels close to your sitting bones. Press your arms in the mat, exhale, and bring your thighs in front of your torso.
Bring your elbows close to your body, bend them and bring your palms to the back of your torso. Curl the pelvis and continue lifting your legs and torso away from the mat while walking your hands up your back (closer to your shoulders) while leaving the elbows close to the body.
Inhale, extend your legs and bring your thighs in line with your torso. Keep the legs active (e.g. by pointing your toes). Make sure to not move your head and soften your throat and tongue.
Try to lift the upper spine away from the floor by pressing your upper arms into the mat and the shoulders together.


Plow Pose – Halasana

Plow Pose stimulates the abdominal organs and thyroid gland which reduces stress, calms the brain, and helps with menopause symptoms. It also stretches the shoulders and spine.

From Shoulder stand, bend at the hips and slowly lower your toes towards the floor behind your head. Try to keep your torso perpendicular to the mat and your legs long. If your toes are not touching the floor, you can bring them onto a block.
When your toes touch the mat, lift your tailbone up. You can use your hands to support the torso. It is important that you don’t move your head and relax your jaw.


Fish Pose – Matsyasana

Fish Pose stretches and stimulates the hip flexors, the muscles between the ribs and the core muscles. It stimulates the organs in the stomach and throat and strengthens the back and neck.

Lay down on your back, bend your knees and bring your feet to the mat. Inhale and lift your pelvis off the mat to slide your palms under your buttocks. Rest the buttocks back down on your hands but keep the forearms and elbows close to the torso. Extend your legs out long.
Inhale, press into the forearms, and lift your upper torso and head away from the mat. Bring your scapulas into your back and rest it down on the mat but make sure there is no weight on your head. The back of your head or your crown should be on the mat. Be careful to not crunch your neck.

Corpse Pose – Savasana

Savasana reduces stress and releases tension at the end of practice. It improves your senses and brings mind, body, and soul in balance.

Lie on your back and let the arms and legs drop open. Extend your arms to the sides, your palms face up. Gently tuck in your shoulder blades and center your head. Your neck is long. Close your eye, take a deep and slow breath in through the nose. Exhale and let your whole body become soft and heavy. Everything in your body should be relaxed: from your pinky toe, over your hips, your abdomen, your shoulders, your face to your tongue. Remain here for a minimum of 5 to 10 minutes. Take your time when you come out of the pose.



Find more yoga inspiration here!



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