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Root Chakra Yoga

Root Chakra Yoga PosesA derivative of the Sanskrit word “Yuji” meaning union or yoke, yoga is an age-old practice that unites the body and mind. It helps the body develop awareness and strength. Most importantly, it has a profound effect on the chakras of our body.

What is the Root Chakra?

The root chakra is the first chakra of the human body. It derives its energy from the earth element and is associated with being safe and grounded. Located at the base of the chakra system, the root chakra is the foundation for expansion in a person’s life. The corresponding physical location is along the initial three vertebrae, the pelvic plexus, and the perineum. The root chakra is represented as an energy cone situated at the end of the spine and downward.

Yoga and the Root Chakra

As mentioned earlier, the root chakra is the first chakra of the body and extremely beneficial for a person’s well-being. Yoga has been a forever go-to in promoting wellness of the body and mind, eventually striking the right balance. A blocked root chakra or muladhara chakra can set the ground for fear, insecurity, depression, and anxiety. It can also result in some bodily ailments like bladder infections, colon problems, and lower back pain. So, what brings about an imbalance in the root chakra? Not being exposed to love and compassion can be one of the most significant reasons behind an imbalance in the root chakra.

Several yoga poses help correct chakra imbalances, connecting us back to the earth and the body and letting us feel secure, safe, and still. They stimulate the muladhara and rid you of all kinds of blockages that might have occurred. The root chakra is associated with the color red, which tends to have a slow vibration compared to colors symbolizing the other body chakras. So, if you are trying to bring about a balance in your root chakra, you can try concentrating on poses that focus on your feet.

All poses that make your feet and legs strong can help you enhance the first chakra. You can try out mini-acupuncture treatments that open the pores of your feet. It stimulates the toes and prepares them for upcoming standing poses. You can also try sitting cross-legged, lacing your fingers between your toes, and try reaching out from the sole and slowly to the top of your foot.

Yoga Postures that Boost the Root Chakra  

In case there is an imbalance in the root chakra of the human body, one can always turn to yoga to ensure the eradication of all existing problems. Here is a list of the five most common asanas that work wonders for balancing the root chakra.

  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Mountain Pose for the Root ChakraThe mountain pose is one of the most popular poses that people tend to practice when it comes to balancing the root chakra. Tadasana improves the posture of your body and strengthens the knees, thighs, and ankles. Among additional benefits of the poses, it has been known to enhance the buttocks and abdomen while reducing the problem of flat feet in individuals. Another notable advantage of practicing the mountain pose is that it provides relief to people suffering from sciatica pain. In fact, you can try and recreate the balanced sensation on this pose in all your standing poses.

  • Child’s Pose (Balasana)

Child's Pose is a great Yin Yoga PoseBalasana is an excellent posture for relieving fatigue and stress and calming down the brain. It gently stretches the thighs, ankles, and hips while relieving neck and back pain by providing complete support to the head and torso. Now, we are generally not conscious of our breathing and also avoid doing it completely into the back of our torso. But the child’s pose generally provides us with an excellent opportunity to do so.

  • Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

Tree Pose YogaTree Pose stretches the thighs, groins, torso, and shoulders. It builds strength in the ankles and calves, and tones the abdominal muscles. The pose also helps to remedy flat feet and is therapeutic for sciatica. After a few breaths of Tree pose, you feel grounded, rejuvenated and full of energy. The posture is an excellent pose to improve your balancing skills

  • Garland Pose (Malasana)

Yogi Squat for the Sacral ChakraThe garland pose happens to be an excellent way to open up your groin and hips while stretching your lower hamstrings, back, neck, and ankles. The posture tones down your abdominals and helps improve your digestion, thereby strengthening your metabolism. It is also an excellent choice for prenatal yoga and takes care of your hip joint and pelvic health.

  • Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Supported Bridge - self-love yogaThis pose is a prevalent one that all yoga practitioners tend to incorporate into their routine. A great exercise to stretch your spine, neck, and chest, the pose also works wonders in calming your brain and relieving it from depression and stress. It is an excellent stimulant for the lungs, thyroid, and abdominal organs and an excellent technique to enhance digestion. Women can derive a number of other health benefits like relief from menstrual discomfort and symptoms of menopause. 

Benefits of Yoga

The benefits of yoga in setting the imbalances of your body right can never be overlooked or underestimated. However, one needs to follow the rules of yoga in a proper and meticulous way to obtain the best results. There can be several causes for an imbalance in the root chakra of the human body. But as in the case of other such disorders, yoga can greatly help in improving and restoring normalcy. 


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