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Essential Oils for Opening the Sixth Chakra

Essential oils to open your third eye chakra

In the field of yoga, the chakra system’s origin stems from the ancient Hindu texts of knowledge. The word “chakra” literally means the “wheel of life.” It is said to reflect the unified consciousness of humanity. The chakras contain seven centers of life force energy, all of which play an important part in the well-being of our mind, body, and spirit.

Among all the body’s chakras, the Third Eye or Ajna chakra (sixth chakra) is extremely vital. It involves intuition, imagination, clairvoyance, mental and reasoning abilities as well as wisdom. This is where meaningful interaction takes place between the flow of energy and your consciousness. Indeed, this chakra enables your intuitive brain and thinking brain to merge, allowing you to see beyond the surface reality of things into deeper truths.

There are different methods of meditation and yoga used to help people open/balance the sixth chakra and this is where essential oils can be employed to assist with the practice. Learn how to include essential oils into your yoga practice here!


Bay Laurel

Bay laurel is an ancient third eye oil that was long used by the Greeks to help in prophecy and divination. It has a spicy, pungent scent that awakens the mind and gives rise to new ideas, which often have spiritual direction and insight. It activates the physical, emotional, and energetic levels as well as integrates the overall energy. Also, it fosters and strengthens initiation and psychic abilities. This oil helps release outdated thought patterns and makes way for new perspectives and thoughts. It also has a significant soothing effect on the nervous system and successfully addresses various mental dysfunctions.

If you are looking to communicate with spirit guides and increase confidence when disseminating messages from the Divine, bay laurel is perfect. It is also great for sparking creativity and inspiration.

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This oil is herbaceous, fresh, and invigorating. It is one of the most suitable oils for aiding in concentration. When you need to deal with mind-related tasks or something that requires considerable tenacity, this is the oil for you. It helps you remain in a state of high vibration, such as meditation or visualization, for a longer period. This enables wisdom to flow more freely into your consciousness. Oil extracted from the rosemary herb also strengthens your mind and body at the same time.

Apart from these benefits, rosemary oil helps in digesting better, improving the skin, and stimulating hair growth. You can mix a few drops of this oil with your regular hair oil and shampoo to promote hair growth.

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Palo Santo

Palo santo is a holy and sacred wood, and the essential oil from this wood has a sweet and earthy smell. Us it to inspire spiritual awareness and devotion. This oil also helps unravel one’s personal path and purpose in life, integrating the ordinary reality with spirituality. It works gently on the third eye chakra, enabling the latter to open in an authentic manner. Palo santo helps you set aside earthly matters of concern to communicate with the Divine or Higher Power better. It also disperses negative energies, thereby cleansing your home effectively. This, in turn, creates room for positivity and growth.

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This popular oil has a sweet fragrance. It is effective in building a warm, calm atmosphere to connect to your higher self without any interruption or inhibition. As vanilla nurtures the emotional self, it opens the mind to receive spiritual guidance and accept things as they are. This oil has a soothing effect and perfectly blends with the other, more herbaceous third eye oils.

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Lemon oil is great for improving concentration, dispelling a sour mood, and relieving tension headaches. It helps keep your focus, enhance your intellect, and succeed at conquering mind-related tasks. You can use this fruity oil when you are in a foggy, blocked, or stagnant state. It also easily blends with other oils and cleanses your space to make room for newfound energy and wisdom.

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Sandalwood oil has a rich, woody, and sweet smell. Since ancient times, it has been used for spiritual applications. This oil helps to deeply ground you, thereby creating stability and is useful for chakra work. Emotionally, sandalwood essential oil is relaxing and gives rise to a sense of inner peace. It is good for tackling depression, stress, and low self-esteem. Sandalwood is also held to be an aphrodisiac. 

Caution: In rare instances, sandalwood oil has the ability to cause adverse skin reactions. So, it is recommended to seek the doctor’s advice before using sandalwood oil.

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The above essential oils can be diluted to 3% in a carrier oil and applied on your pulse points, or in a diffuser or on a cotton ball for inhalation. They are perfect for opening the third eye chakra and living your life to its greatest potential.   


You might also like our 6 favorite essential oils for Stress Release.


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