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Yoga for Fall

Check out our favorite yoga poses for fall

Fall or autumn is the season of transformation. The transition from a sultry, humid, and warm weather to calming, soothing and crisper winds all around is blissful. It can also be a time associated with vibrantly colorful leaves, sadness, and grief.

Nature and seasons demonstrate how life is a succession of cycles and adaptation. Trees serve as primary examples where the inception of yin energy begins to recede, conducting nourishment back. The leaves prepare for winter by changing their color. The tree next sheds these leaves, it knows how to let go.

Living beings are also subject to this unending cycle during their lifetime. So, it is important to align with Mother Nature and prepare oneself for a deserving restfulness of fall. A sense of loss develops in humans when faced with such difficult situations.

The changing winds will blow and affect the human body and mind, hence it is necessary to take some time out and ground oneself using yoga as a respite. Practicing yoga creates space for contemplation, galvanized the lung and large intestine channels, revitalizing a state of ease. Breathe in fall’s frenzy with a list of our favorite yoga poses for fall to reinstate vitality and replenish yourselves.


Our favorite Yoga Poses for Fall


Standing Forward Bend – Uttanasana

The pose focuses on grounding the legs and feet. Consecutively, breathing and Uddiyana Bandha allows the body to get deeper into the pose and relax the nervous system.


Downward Facing Dog – Adho Mukkha Svanasana

The downward-facing dog pose renders grounding energy by touching the earth with both feet and hands. Doing this opens the sides of the ribcage for deeper breathing. This also warms the body up simultaneously from the inside.


Seated Forward Bend – Paschimottanasana

The pose honors the inner voice and wisdom of the spirit, calming down the nervous system and allowing to turn in towards oneself. Ground the sitting bones and bow over the legs. Keep your lumbar spine long, and with slow breathing, connect to the inner quietude.


Warrior II – Virabhadrasana II

When an individual acquires placidity, focus, and vigor, they can realign with their preference with the gaze of a warrior. Warrior II pose is executed you are standing on feet and your shoulders are wide apart. Bend the knees, raise the arms, hold your breath, and repeat on either side.


Goddess Pose – Utkata Konasana

A pose that is both grounding and invigorating. It opens up the base and balances the core. You can feel the fire in your belly through Kriya and Pranayama. The addition of Kriya (a Kundalini yoga practice) to this pose amplifies the rising energy.


Tree Pose – Vrksasana

The pose is performed by standing on one foot while placing the other one on the inside of the standing leg. It is the consequent mark of the season, Tree Pose helps to feel more connected to your root, let go of the dead leaves and continue your growth.


Side Angle – Parshvakonasana

Use the arms to boost the revolving movement by either binding through the legs or pressing the arms together outside of the knee in Anjali Mudra. This relieves the stiffness of the shoulders and back. It improves stamina and strengthens the legs and knees.


Child’s Pose – Balasana

This is a special pose as it represents the shape of the human spine while they were still in utero. Placing the forehead on a mat or blanket calms the mind down and provides support to the prefrontal-cortex. This enhances cognitive thinking.


Corpse Pose – Savasana

Sign of death, this pose gives you the chance to implement the cycle of birth, life, death, and restoration continually. It is deeply restorative for the entire body and mind and emphasizes release.


It is essential to embrace the cycle of rest and rejuvenation as the year enfolds further. Otherwise you are likely to suffer from the symptoms of fall. This is where appropriate yoga practice can help to bring forth balance and can be an amazing way to cope with these diverse sentiments. Yoga practice is a robust method to inculcate harmony and synchronization into one’s physical and spiritual state. Consider daily yoga practice as a way of discarding whatever stands in your way of prosperity.


You might also like our Favorite Essential Oils for Fall and Ayurveda for Fall.

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