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What’s Your Dominant Dosha?

Understand and and balance the 3 doshas in AyurvedaWhether you’ve been around for a while or are new to Blissflow, you’ve probably heard me talking about doshas. We’ve touched on them a little, but I want to get into what each dosha is and why they are vital to our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Like any other aspect of our bodies, if we don’t take care of our doshas, we can find ourselves out of balance. Identifying our imbalances and rectifying the issue is the best way to feel like our highest selves. So, today we’re talking about the three doshas.

The 5 Elements and the 3 Doshas

Our bodies are made up of the five elements of the universe: ether, air, fire, water, and earth. The three doshas are made up of different combinations of these five elements in our bodies. They are as follows:

Vata dosha: composed of ether and air.

Pitta dosha: composed of fire and water.

Kapha dosha: composed of air and water.

As individuals, we express different, unique proportions of each dosha. Many of us also have what is called a dominant dosha. If you want to figure out your dominant dosha, take our quiz! Once you identify your dominant dosha, read about each below.

Vata Dosha

Vata is either and air. This dosha’s characteristics are dry, rough, subtle, mobile, cold, and light. Vata governs all the mind and body functions; it is necessary for nerve impulses, menstruation, muscle movement, and circulation, among other things. It also regulates speech, quickness of thought, and mental flexibility.

Someone who is Vata-dominant is usually slender, small-framed, with a flat chest. They are light, often with a tan skin tone and skin that is rough and dry. Many have curly hair and visible veins.

Pitta Dosha

Pitta is composed of fire and water and helps us digest food, breaking down complex food substances to provide us energy. Metabolism, bile, enzymes, and hormones are related to pitta. Pitta is moving, hot, light, sharp, acidic, and oily. This dosha is also associated with hunger, thirst, and our ability to see. Psychologically, pitta is greed, willpower, jealousy, anger, and our higher intellect. 

Pittas have warm, soft skin with a reddish tint. They also have soft nails and may experience issues with early hair thinning or loss.

Kapha Dosha

Kapha dosha is air and water, primarily associated with moisture. It helps us retain moisture and lubricate joints and provides physique and structure. Kapha also helps with stability, energy, patience, generosity, and fertility. 

Kapha-dominant people gain weight easily. They have thick skin and veins, with fair and bright skin tones. Their skin is often soft, oily, and cold.

Create Healthy Habits that stickDosha In Equilibrium

We find doshas in 3 stages in our bodies: equilibrium, aggravated and decreased. Equilibrium occurs when we balance our three doshas in their natural proportions. However, aggravated and decreased doshas result when our doshas are thrown out of balance with too much or too little, respectively. How do our doshas go out of balance? Our doshas result from everything we consume; the things we see, do, and eat all contribute to our dosha’s delicate balance.

Finding Equilibrium For Ourselves

To complicate things even further, there is no universal diet or routine that can keep everyone’s doshas in balance. Since each of us has a unique proportion of doshas, maintaining them in balance is different for each of us. That being said, there are guidelines for those with particular dominant doshas. Here are a few balancing activities for each dosha.

Equilibrium for Vata Dosha

Someone who is Vata-prominent should meditate, walk, and perform yoga daily. They should focus on going to bed early and maintaining a daily routine. Vatas should eat plenty of sweet fruits, nuts, cooked vegetables, and dairy products. 

Alternatively, foods like peas, cauliflower, and dry grains can aggravate the already-dry Vata, so avoid eating these kinds of foods in large quantities. Vatas should avoid coffee and black tea as well as smoking and alcohol. If you are Vata-dominant, avoid eating when you feel anxious or depressed.

Equilibrium for Pitta Dosha

Pitta-dominant people should keep plenty of cold foods in their diet like beans and raw vegetables and eat in a peaceful environment. Try to keep your body cool overall with activities like meditation, slow exercise, and calm yoga. Pittas should avoid red meat, eggplant, and sour foods like pickles. If you are pitta-dominant, you need to take care of overworking or becoming over-competitive. 

Equilibrium for Kapha Dosha

Kaphas are notoriously nice, so they need to differentiate between when someone is nice or when they are taking advantage of your generosity. Invigorating yoga and exercise, meditation, and writing exercises are fantastic for Kaphas. Kaphas should go to sleep early and rise early, avoiding any midday naps. Foods like dairy and sweets aggravate Kapha, so it’s best to avoid them. Kaphas need damp places to cool their watery spirit, and active time in nature is best. So avoid lethargy and too much time spent indoors.

Read more: Kapha Diet and Lifestyle

Our Doshas: A Road Map

Our doshas keep us balanced and help us identify imbalances within ourselves. Knowing our dominant dosha can help us identify when we should sleep, what we should eat, and how we should take care of our skin. Our doshas are road maps of who we are and how we can best take care of ourselves. 

Learn more about your doshas and what they mean for you at

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