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7 Journal Prompts to help you think outside the box

Check out or 7 journaling prompts that help you to think outside the box

We all want to think outside the box, right? But this is easier said than done – it is so much easier to just stay in our comfortable little box of thoughts, ideas, perceptions, and truths. However, a lot of jobs (including being a mom, wife, or daughter) require us to be creative. Creativity helps us to solve problems, identify patterns, and use information in unique ways.

Most of the successful people you hear about are, in fact, creative thinkers. Their secret is not to just be creative, they also know that creativity is a practice. The annoying part is, however, that practicing creativity is not easy. You will find yourself often in situations where you are expected to be creative in a matter of minutes.

Journaling, per se, is a great way to develop and train your creativity. You can start writing Morning Pages or just write down your thoughts and ideas as they come up. Another way to practice your creativity is through journaling prompts. We’ve put together 7 journaling prompts for you to try – be warned, some of them might sound a little strange. So allow yourself to be creative!!


If you were a yoga pose, which one would you be and why?

Are you strong like a warrior, are you grounded like a tree, or are you brave like an eagle? If you need inspiration for some yoga poses you can find a directory here.


Prove you’re not crazy!

This is quite entertaining exercise to spur creativity: Imagine you were carted off in a straightjacket to the looney bin today. You are telling them that you are not crazy, but is this enough? How would you prove your sanity? And what on earth are you accused of to land you there?


Where would you go if you had a free afternoon that nobody knows about?

You can spend an afternoon all by yourself and could do whatever you want to do. Money is not an issue, you can go and do whatever you want. What would it be?


New Ending

Open up one of your favorite books (I like murder mysteries). Turn to a chapter, and write down the title. Now finish the chapter with your own story. This also works great with movies where you didn’t like the ending.


List 30 things that make you smile.

This can be small or big things – anything that makes you smile counts but make sure to list at least 30 things. I, for example, always smile when I see my belly button – it kind of looks funny to me.


Describe a memorable experience from the perspective of your pet.

Do you or someone in your family has a pet? Have you ever wondered what they think we are doing? Where do they think we go when we just go out for dinner? What do they think when you decorate the Christmas tree or when they witness a proposal or a new family member?

You don’t have to write about a happy memory. A natural disaster, the death of a loved one, etc. What do they think?

What my dog thinks when I do yoga: It’s this time again, she rolls out her little rug but I am not allowed to lay on it. It smells so good: a little sweaty and salty – I love to lick it but she really doesn’t like it. Oh no, why is she wearing these tight pants again and why on earth is she doing all these crazy movements on the carpet. She even looks like me when I am peeing.


20 words

Summarize your day in 20 words. Not 19, not 21 – exactly 20! This sounds easy but can be really hard.


What is your favorite way to get the creative juices flowing? Head over to Instagram or Facebook and let us know!



Client Love

Just printed off the journal and am super stoked to use it. Lots of great insight and info here.




Just printed off the journal and am super stoked to use it. Lots of great insight and info here.
Your newsletter is one of the best. I subscribe to a lot and this is up there with the best....




Your newsletter is one of the best. I subscribe to a lot and this is up there with the best. I love it . I also love Tim Ferris 5 bullet Friday thanks for all the sharing.
Mantra helps up your understanding to your life and destiny. Blissflow provides useful and encouraging tools to start your day.




Mantra helps up your understanding to your life and destiny. Blissflow provides useful and encouraging tools to start your day.
Just love it ???? because it puts me in a great mindset, thank you ????????




Just love it ???? because it puts me in a great mindset, thank you ????????