Learn Sun Salutation in 3 days!

Sun Salutations B

Practice Sun Salutations B with me!

If you’ve been to any sort of yoga flow-style class, you are probably already familiar with Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar), as it is the most familiar of all the asana sequences. The vinyasa most often practiced in standard yoga classes is Sun Salutations A. Today, we’ll move through the B variation. It is designed to energize the body and mind and warm up the body for a deeper yoga practice. Consisting of a series of basic, foundational poses that are performed in a flowing and rhythmic pattern, it is guided by inhalations on the extensions and exhalations on the bends or folds.

Sun Salutations are designed, not only to honor the light of day, it also increases the circulation of energy in your body, activates your muscles, can be experienced as a moving meditation, encourages full body connection and presence, and encourages centering and gratitude.


Learn Sun Salutation in only 3 days to start your at-home yoga practice

[mkd_blockquote text=”A quick tip for you: if you are short on time repeat the flow a few times to start or end your day.” title_tag=”h2″ width=””]


Here is an overview of the movements as well as the right breath:

  1. (inhale & exhale) Mountain Pose
  2. (inhale) chair pose
  3. (exhale) forward fold
  4. (inhale) half forward fold
  5. (exhale) low plank/chaturanga
  6. (inhale) upward facing dog
  7. (exhale) downward facing dog
  8. (inhale) Right leg warrior 1
  9. (exhale) low plank/chaturanga
  10. (inhale) upward facing dog
  11. (exhale) downward facing dog
  12. (inhale) Left leg warrior 1
  13. (exhale) low plank/chaturanga
  14. (inhale) upward facing dog
  15. (exhale) downward facing dog
  16. (inhale) half forward fold
  17. (exhale) forward fold
  18. (inhale) mountain pose


Repeat from the beginning or add my TOP 5 YOGA POSES you can do EVERYDAY (click here to download for free)!


Here are all the poses in detail

Tadasana – Mountain Pose

Mountain pose is good for improving your posture, it strengthens the ankles, knees and thighs and firms the core and buttocks.

Stand with your feet a little less than hip-width apart. Your knees should be directly over your ankles, and the hips over the knees. Lift the top of your sternum towards the ceiling and widen your collarbones. Keep your arms relaxed beside your torso, palms facing forward. Draw your shoulders down and back. Balance your head directly over the center of your pelvis with the chin parallel to the floor.


Utkatasana- Chair Pose

Utkatasana provides a good stretch to your hips, spine and chest muscles and is known for strengthening the immune system, lower back, torso and muscles of thighs and calves. This balancing pose not only strengthens your body but also enhances your mind’s determination. Its regular practice can also help in burning fat from the buttocks.

Stretch your arms forward and make sure to not bend the elbows. Next, bend the knees and push your pelvis down. The posture should seem like sitting on a chair. Hold the position for a minute.


Uttanasana – Forward Fold

Forward Fold stretches the hamstrings and lengthens the spinal column and back muscles. It can stimulate the digestive, nervous and endocrine systems.

From Chair Pose, with an exhale, hinge forward at the hips with a flat back. Bend the knees enough to bring your palms on the floor (or use blocks). Relax the head and neck down and feel the stretch in your spine. Your pelvis should be above your ankles.


Ardha Uttanasana – Flat back or Half Forward Fold

Flat Back lengthens your spine, builds a strong core and strengthens the lower back.

From Forward Fold reach your hips towards the back and the crown of the head towards the front of the room. Place your palms on your chin or bring the tips of your fingers on the floor to support the lift in your chest.


Chaturanga – Four limbed staff pose

Chaturanga is a challenging pose that strengthens the upper body and the core.

From Flat Back, step back to a Plank Pose. Exhale while shifting forward and lowering into Chaturanga. In Chaturanga, your shoulders should not sink below your elbows and your elbows should form a right angle. You can place blocks behind your forearms to make sure you shift forward enough. Make sure that your elbows are close to your torso and that your core is engaged all the time.


Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – Upward Facing Dog

Upward facing dog strengthens the whole body and opens the chest. It can stimulate the kidneys and the nervous system.

From Chaturanga or Knees-Chest-Chin Pose, inhale, and press into your palms and press the chest forward. Make sure to relax your shoulders down and back. Your thighs should not touch the mat.


Adho Mukha Shvanasana – Downward Facing Dog

Downward Facing Dog deeply stretches the shoulders, opens the chest and builds strength in the upper body. It also stretches the legs and hamstrings. It can rejuvenate the body and stimulate the nervous system.

From Upward Facing Dog or Cobra, tuck your toes under, press into your hands and lift the hips towards the ceiling. Your fingers should be wide spread and all four corners of your hands should root down. Keep a slight bend in your knees and lift your sitting bones high. Stretch your heels towards the floor while straightening your knees without blocking them. Your heels don’t have to touch the floor – this will come with time! Firmly press into your hands and reach your chest towards the mat (think Upward dog in the chest).


Virabhadrasana – Warrior I

Warrior I strengthen the legs, opens the chest, and improves the circulation in the entire body. It can strengthen your concentration and provide balance.

From Downward Facing Dog, step your right leg to the inside of your right hand and ground your left foot down. Your left toes should point to the left corner of your mat. Bring the hands to your hips and square the hips and shoulders to the front wall. You might have to step your back leg up a few inches. Your front leg is bent with your right knee over the right ankle. Inhale and reach your arms above your head, palms facing each other. Relax your shoulders.


Download my TOP 5 YOGA POSES you can do EVERYDAY here!


Check out our post about Sun Salutations A here!


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Mantra helps up your understanding to your life and destiny. Blissflow provides useful and encouraging tools to start your day.