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Improve your Concentration with Mindfulness Practices

Improve your Concentration with Mindfulness Practices

Our mind is the most powerful part of the human body. It conserves energy that allows us to accomplish our day-to-day activities effectively and efficiently. When the mind becomes anxious, the thoughts fluctuate restlessly, and the task fails miserably. Thus, the power of concentration and focus is immense. Concentration is a skill that dissipates unnecessary thoughts from your mind and lets you lead a successful life.

Before we jump into the topic, let’s find the benefits of improving concentration.

  • Control over your own thoughts
  • Focus on a particular task
  • Peacefulness
  • Dispel negative and troublesome thoughts
  • Enhanced ability to stick to one thought
  • Improved memory
  • Boosted self-esteem and inner strength
  • Strengthened determination
  • Eternal happiness
  • Incredible ability to comprehend
  • Creativity and visualization growth

Concentration is the key to success. This skill improves your mental performance and enhances the ability to solve problems efficiently. In real life, it aids us to become a good decision maker and be a leader in your own niche.

So, how do you raise your ability to focus?

Situations arise when we find it hard to concentrate. Even while doing crucial tasks, random thoughts pop into our minds and affect our productivity. Here comes the importance of mindfulness, which allows you to become aware of your thoughts, without labeling, judging or reacting, and aids you in bringing attention to the job you are looking to accomplish. In a busy world, a mindfulness practice helps with stress management and contributes to overall happiness.

  • Improves Well-being: Mindfulness is effective in bringing pleasure and satisfaction into your life. It builds your concentration and pushes you to engage in fruitful activities. According to different studies, people who practice meditation or mindfulness regret less over the past and are less occupied with negative thoughts. Regular practice builds your self-esteem and hence enhances your efficiency at work. That is why big multinational companies promote mindfulness among their employees to enhance the productivity of the organization.
  • Improves Physical Health: According to different medical associations, mindfulness techniques are truly effective in improving your physical health. It relieves stress and thus prevents many chronic diseases like cardiac diseases, higher blood pressure, sleeplessness and so on.
  • Improves Mental State: Psychotherapists find meditation to be a powerful tool to treat a number of psychological issues like depression, anxiety disorders, compulsive disorders, etc. Practicing it regularly enhances your will.


Mindfulness Exercises to become more focused

Experts advise mindfulness techniques to achieve a focused, alerted and relaxed state of mind. One needs to cultivate these techniques through concentration exercises and meditation.
Mindfulness involves accepting your true-self and forgiving your ill deeds. It also makes you mentally capable. With its gradual practice, it becomes easier for you to accept all the undesired situations and convert them into promising ones.

Cultivating mindfulness is not only about practicing meditation but also about focusing on your day-to-day activities. Try to focus on a single task at a time and involve all your senses to attain the same. As you sit idle or walk alone, unfold types of mindfulness to develop your concentration and other interpersonal skills. No matter how busy you are, always find time to invest in mindfulness exercises.

Here are a few effective mindfulness exercises that you can practice to boost your concentration and lead a contented life.

Create Your Own To Do List

In this contemporary age, there are so many things to distract you from your goal. Scientists have found that it takes more than twenty-five minutes to concentrate after being deflected. Distraction not only drains out our strength but also affects the quality of the work. Thus, it is a smart decision to note down your to do’s and ideas on a piece of paper as it allows you to stay focused.

Set Goals To Stay Focused

To increase your concentration, you must start believing in yourself. Concentration needs control over your busy mind, which is a process. Be definite about what you want to achieve and then plan your goals accordingly. Start out with easy and achievable ones. This will grow your self-esteem and lengthen your concentration time gradually. Once you are comfortable with that setup, you will certainly improve your concentration. Short breaks and manageable chunks rebuild our attentiveness and make our efforts more productive.

Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Practicing meditation is an effective way to boost concentration or attention. Its regular execution calms down your mind and makes you cooler and more collected. Just 10 to 20 minutes of meditation a day can show a measurable improvement in your mental and physical health. Start your morning with breathing exercises to eliminate the toxins from your body and inhale fresh air from nature. This technique not only enhances your attention span but also makes you positive towards life.

Practice Mindfulness Throughout The Day

Do you know that you can practice mindfulness throughout your busy day? Yes, mindfulness is not only about meditating but also about enhancing your observation power. In your off time, slow down your thoughts and open all your senses. Remember, mindfulness is also about staying happy and living the moment. While eating, dismiss all other thoughts that are bothering you and concentrate on the flavor of the food you are chewing. These small practices strengthen and expand your attentiveness and observation power.

Exercise Regularly

Exercising regularly can majorly benefit your mind. Physical exercises detoxify your body and improve circulation of oxygenated blood in it. Thus, its regular practice makes you more energized and optimistic in life. In addition it elevates your performance at work by improving your attention span and reducing your stress level. It will help your brain to disregard distraction and grow willpower. Try our 10 Minutes After Work flow if you are too busy for a full workout.


Our modern world has provided us with lots of conveniences but has also reduced our power to concentrate. To live a truly successful life, we must learn the art of dispelling the distraction and enhancing attention. Practicing the series of points mentioned above might help you to live a mindful life.


Picture via Unsplash by rawpixel

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