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Embrace Imperfection: Rediscover The Real You

Embrace your imperfection: it is easier than you think!

Given the present consumerist culture and the popularity of social media, perfectionism – the need to be perfect in all fields – has become an epidemic. An unreal image of perfection has been created in our minds that makes us constantly feel flawed. From perfect pictures of houses to selfies with perfect lighting, and, flawless skin to perfect body posture, all of it makesus feel insecure and not good enough. In our stubbornness to achieve this so-called perfection, we are constantly surrounding ourselves with negativity. Start to embrace your imperfection!

To grow, flourish, and expand in a positive sense one has to stop this constant material comparison and embark on the journey of self-discovery. All of this negativity only builds up and ultimately leads to depression, anxiety, eating disorders and causes a lot of suffering. While choosing a role model for yourself, focus on the positives. Try to accept the imperfection of others and embrace your incompleteness. All that is required is a change of perception for you to rediscover yourself and to accept yourself just the way you are.

You must embrace the flaws and imperfection that you see in yourself. It is much easier said than done, but nothing is impossible if you make up your mind. Break-free from the clutches of the social standards of beauty and embrace yourself. Here are four tips to help you on the path of self-acceptance and self-discovery.


#1: The Process Matters

You need to focus on the growth process rather than focusing solely on achieving your goal and rushing toward it. For example, if you want to lose weight, follow a proper diet, exercise regularly and do not starve yourself. This will have a positive impact on your mind and body. So, instead of concentrating on arriving, focus on the journey. Self-development is a long process and it takes a lot of time. Whenever you do something positive, for example, reach a certain goal after investing a lot of time in it, you should cherish the sense of accomplishment and absorb the positivity. If you don’t reach your goal, don’t be harsh on yourself.

Turn your negativity into something constructive. If you fall, get up and start again. If you need to stop and rest, do not deny yourself of it. Try to establish an optimistic process and be more aware of the choices you make and the impact they have on you. Focus on the good vibes and see your failures as opportunities to learn from. It is going to get better with every passing day. It is the path that matters the most, choose the less bumpy and more comfortable one for you.


#2: Take One Day at a Time

At the end of the day, every day, sit yourself down. Relax and spend some quality time with yourself. Count the number of positive things that have happened to you on that day. You can even create a habit out of it. Every day, write down the good things that have happened to you in a piece of paper and store it in a jar. Do it daily, without fail. After a year, open the jar and read it’s contents. This will help you realize the development you’ve had on your path to self-discovery.

Start with little things. Such as, if you drink 3 liters of water and keep yourself hydrated every day, that is a positive thing. Write it down. This will help you be more appreciative of yourself. With time you will see that you’ve grown more consistent and encouraging of yourself. It is the small things that make the bigger picture. So, focus on the small things and don’t be upset or discouraged with yourself. You are all that you have got. Be good to yourself.


#3 Acknowledge Yourself

Everyone is different and so are you. Instead of seeing yourself as a liability see yourself as an asset. Don’t see your individuality as a threat to your social life. You’re you, and that’s perfect and also enough. Take out time each day to be appreciative of our quirks and idiosyncrasies. The more accepting you are of yourself, the more the world will open up to and for you. If you are too self-critical that will only attract more negativity. Be open to possibilities, explore, don’t focus on your weaknesses, focus on your strengths.

Your mistakes are not the testimony of who you are, don’t think of them to be. You are an ever-growing, beautiful creation in this wonderful world. Make the most of it. Be authentic and try to be compassionate and kind to others. What you are, what you give, you attract. So, if you want good vibes, you have to be good vibes. Focus on fresh and fabulous vibes, be you!


#4: Be Enthusiastic and Progressive

Life’s short, don’t complicate it needlessly. There is absolutely no point in exerting energy on things we cannot control. This controlling behavior only empowers negativity and increases bitterness. Why waste your precious time on negative actions and emotions? Choose to look at the brighter side of life. Sometimes you might feel overwhelmed, but don’t let it get the best of you. You might think that you are not good enough and are full of flaws, but that is not true.

You are real, you are alive and you are awesome. Don’t ever let anyone tell you any different. Be open to new things and more accepting of yourself and others. Have the capacity to laugh at yourself, be lively and exuberant. You have nothing to shy away from. Anyone who loves you or will love you will do so for who you are. Just focus on being the best possible version of yourself and that will be enough!


Stop letting the idea of imperfection eat at you. The negative thoughts of being imperfect will only hinder your creativity and innovation. Don’t let the burden of perfection wear you down. Be transparent with yourself and others. Let your ideas flow and your creativity fly.


Check out our favorite Self-Care tips for busy yogis!


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