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Chair Yoga

Yes, I am a yoga teacher but guess what…. there are days (sometimes weeks) when I don’t feel I have time to squeeze in a yoga session. I know, you normally hear me say that there is always time for yoga, and a 5 minutes practice is better than nothing but there are still days when I don’t have the energy to roll out my mat.

For days like this, Chair Yoga is a great way to fit in some movement!

15-minutes Chair Yoga on YouTube

Chair YogaClick here to practice with me


Is Chair Yoga right for me?

Yes, Chair Yoga is great for everyone. It is a great alternative if you are working at a desk all day and want to sneak some movement in to reduce stress and back pain. It is great if you are injured and can’t do a regular yoga practice. And it is great if you are older and don’t have the mobility for a yoga class on your mat.


Benefits of Chair Yoga

A lot of people think that Chair Yoga is only for Seniors but this is not true! Yes, it is great for Seniors but as always in yoga, you can adjust your practice to your skill level or mood. Whatever intensity you choose, Chair Yoga offers a ton of benefits.

Chair Yoga will

  • improve your mood
  • reduce stress
  • help you to stay focused and concentrated
  • increases strength
  • relaxes tense muscles
  • help to prevent headaches and back pain
  • increases flexibility


5 Basic Chair Yoga Poses

Seated Mountain Pose

Start by sitting down on your chair. Take off your shoes if possible and bring both feet to the ground. Your feet should fully be on the ground. Sit up on your chair and don’t lean back. Lift the crown of your head up high and relax the shoulders down. Take a deep breath in and out.

Seated Twist

From seated Mountain Pose, inhale and reach your arms up. With your exhale twist to the right. Bring your left hand on your right knee and your right hand behind you. With each inhale, elongate your spine and with each exhale, twist a little more. Stay here for min. 5 breaths and repeat on the other side.

Seated Cat & Cow

From seated Mountain Pose, bring your hands on your knees. Inhale and reach your chest forward, bring your shoulder blades together and look up. With your exhale round your spine, spread the shoulder blades wide and let your head hang heavy. Repeat 5 to 10 times. Make sure to move slowly and link your movements to your breath.

Seated Pigeon Pose

From seated Mountain Pose, bring your right ankle on top or your left knee. Flex the right foot and move the right knee down. Inhale and sit up tall, with your exhale gently lean forward and enjoy the stretch in your hips. Stay here for 5 breaths or more and repeat on the other side.

Seated Forward Bend

From seated Mountain Pose, extend your legs to the front. Your heels are on the ground and your toes are pointing up. With your inhale, extend your arms up over your head, and with your exhale bend forward over your extended legs. Bring your hands down somewhere on your legs… wherever it feels good. No need to reach for your toes. You should feel a nice stretch in your hamstrings.

I hope you enjoyed this introduction to Chair Yoga and give it a try. If you want to practice with me for free, try this 15-minutes Chair Yoga class.

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Just love it ???? because it puts me in a great mindset, thank you ????????




Just love it ???? because it puts me in a great mindset, thank you ????????
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Just printed off the journal and am super stoked to use it. Lots of great insight and info here.
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Mantra helps up your understanding to your life and destiny. Blissflow provides useful and encouraging tools to start your day.




Mantra helps up your understanding to your life and destiny. Blissflow provides useful and encouraging tools to start your day.