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Balancing Yoga Poses

Here are the most popular balancing yoga posesBalancing yoga poses boosts your body’s awareness and stabilization while reducing the chances of injuries from falling. A quick reaction is key to prevent your body from losing control while in motion. Your body will experience reduced mobility and fail to respond quickly with age. Balance yoga helps maintain the body’s agility over time by enhancing your response time. The importance of balance becomes more evident with age as “falling” may lead to major injuries. Improved body balance makes it easier to hold yoga poses for a long time. It will also make your physical activities feel swift and easy to maneuver in daily life.

Movement is the law of nature. Our continuous efforts to center and re-center ourselves not only brings balance to our flesh and bones but also our nerve impulses, emotions, consciousness, and thoughts. Achieving equilibrium of the body with nature brings tranquility. Falling out of a yoga pose is frustrating. Anytime you lose your balance while performing a one-legged pose, you are not falling to the ground. However, the sense of losing your balance during a pose can make it difficult for anyone to cope with. But remember, you are not hurting yourself if you just put your foot down when losing your balance during a pose.

Learn Sun Salutation in only 3 days to start your at-home yoga practiceWhy falling is not a big deal

Body balancing poses help build focus and increase concentration. Yoga not only makes your body fitter but also makes your mind sharper. Balancing your body depends on gravity. Aligning your body’s center of gravity with mother nature will help your body stabilize and maintain balance while walking, running and so on. Yoga training helps us build confidence to stand up again after a fall without making a big deal out of it. The asanas help boost your concentration that comes in handy in your everyday life. Implementing the teachings of yoga can make your life organized and prevent injuries.

Quick reaction time is very important to keep away from falling and subsequent injuries. Speed, coordination, muscle power, and agility are key to the daily movements that prevent you from falling and hurting yourself. Indulging in daily yoga sessions improves your endurance. You do not fall when you are still and not moving. Most people fall during adjusting their pose, moving or transitioning from one motion to another. To prevent injuries from falling you should develop strength and master transitioning from one pose to another without losing balance.

You may find it humiliating to lose your balance and may even fall while performing a yoga pose. Nevertheless, the benefits of one-legged asanas make it worthwhile to engage in yoga poses even if you fall a few times while practicing. They not only help you in performing daily activities with grace but also boosts muscle growth. It helps improve the way you walk or stand. If incorporated effectively in our lives, yoga poses to reduce the risk of falling and prevent severe injuries to the elderly.

Balancing yoga poses and their benefits

Here are some of the most popular balancing poses:

Mountain Pose – Tadasana

Mountain Pose on Toes is a great balancing yoga poseTadasana may look similar to normal standing but has tons of other benefits that improve the balance of your body. Focusing on the part where the body’s weight is balanced on the feet and stretching your spine improves posture. It can help strengthen the thighs, ankles, and knees. With Tadasana, you can enhance your awareness and help in improving body balance. It helps provide space inside the body, allowing the internal organs to work efficiently. Tadasana can help improve your circulation, digestion and fill you with fresh energy. It can help develop flexibility and strength in spines. Additional balancing challenge: practice mountain pose on your toes!

Extended-Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose – Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana

Extended Hand to big toe pose is a great balancing yoga poseUtthita Hasta Padangusthasana is a balancing yoga pose that is beneficial for both the front and back of the body. It helps enhance the leg and ankle strength which are important to keep the balance of the body. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana is effective for weight loss, without the rigorous workout session and strict diet plans. It is a complex asana which involves a lot of muscles. It is an effective way to revitalize your body and strengthen the nervous system. Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana is also known to be effective in relieving anxiety. Your digestive system is also improved with the help of this asana.

Tree Pose – Vrikshasana

Tree Poseis a great balancing yoga poseTree pose is very effective when you are focusing on every part of the body. This one-legged pose helps improve your leg balance and stability. It also strengthens the tendons and ligaments of the feet. Vrikshasana also helps the body in establishing pelvic stability and toning the leg muscles and the buttocks. Your hip bone and leg strength are enhanced from the weight-bearing nature of the pose. You just have to ensure that your head, spine, and shoulders are in a straight line.

Warrior III – Virabhadrasana III

Warrior III is a great balancing yoga poseThis yoga pose does not only require the standing leg strength but also engage the entire back body. It is a challenging position that requires your legs, buttocks, shoulders, and core. Make sure where your hips are, and feel the body straighten extending from the fingertips to the sole of your feet. This asana strengthens the shoulders and back muscles. It helps tone the abdomen and improving the balance and posture.

Dancer Pose – Natarajasana

Dancer pose is a great balancing yoga poseIf done correctly the dancer pose can help in weight loss and strengthening your core, back, chest, thighs, ankles, and legs. Natarajasana can help you achieve great flexibility in your spine, hamstrings, and shoulders. You will need to practice this pose regularly to improve your body balance.


Yoga poses are very effective in improving stability, building muscles, enhancing flexibility and calming your mind. Practicing balancing yoga poses regularly helps grow muscles and increases the balance of your body. Yoga helps to harmonize your mind with your body in equilibrium with the forces of nature. Falling while trying a yoga pose is just the stepping stone in building a healthy mind and body. You must keep such thoughts out of your mind while in a yoga class or practicing at your home and get on with the yoga session.

You should also read our Tips for Balancing Yoga poses here!

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