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Aging Gracefully With Yoga

Getting older is great. It is even better with yogaAging begins from the moment you are brought into this world and start breathing. Aging is a natural and irrevocable phenomenon that is firmly true for all living beings. You can only grow old as days go by, and like we know, time does not wait for anyone. So, aging becomes inevitable. However, there’s a thin line of difference between aging with the flow and aging gracefully.

With aging, arises a lot of uninvited yet unavoidable physical and mental ailments and difficulties. Stress and social distraction are other signs of aging. The emergence of these issues as we age begins hindering with our regular activities and make our lives unmanageable. There are innumerable side effects of aging when you fail to take care of yourself. Some of these side effects are poor sleep cycle, improper nutrition, loss of memory, defective vision, problems in hearing, medicinal side effects, limitation in activities, fatigue, and social isolation.

Yoga will help you age gracefully

Yoga plays a crucial role in addressing aging issues. It is known to improve the quality of life and also increase longevity in aging people. Yoga is the key to sustainable mobility and a safeguard against sudden or unforeseen injuries. It is a magical tool for healthy aging and improved mobility. Yoga is a lot more than just physical practice. It is a process that draws the heart, body, and mind together in a peaceful harmony to ensure the smooth functioning of all systems.

Here are some of the benefits of yoga that allow you to age confidently and gracefully no matter how old you are:


  • reduces the risk of dementia
  • enhances vitality, energy, and mood
  • improves flexibility and muscle strength
  • helps in fighting stress, reduces depression, and boosts immunity
  • sharpens the mind and improves body balance
  • assists in controlling blood sugar levels in people affected by diabetes
  • minimize hypertension and boosts respiratory functions
  • allows pain-free living
  • makes for strong bones and joints for independence and ease of movement
  • helps to maintain a healthy bladder
  • aids in establishing a positive outlook on life
  • also helps in achieving mental clarity, keeps the mind sharp, and enforces a sense of serenity and calmness

Listed are some of the ways where performing yoga paves the way for gracefully aging:

Yoga Maintains The Body’s Unique Design

The intelligent design of the body requires maintenance for your overall well being. The system or your body definitely functions up to a limit by itself, but you need to take care of the system in the long run. Practicing yoga regularly improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, it boosts the circulation of blood, helps in the toning of weakening muscles, boosts metabolism and the immune system, and facilitates healthy digestion.

Meditation Keeps the Mind Healthy & Sharp

Normal aging includes a number of common changes that are associated with the brain. Some of these are the inability to multitask effectively, difficulty in adjusting with situations and learning new things, and having troubles in recollecting memories. That is why meditating regularly encourages the proper functioning of the areas of the brain that are associated with cognitive, sensory, and emotional processing.

Yoga Is All About Acceptance

A wonderful revelation suggests that with age there is an enhanced emotional problem-solving capability, and there is also an increased influx of positive feelings. Yoga teaches you to do something to your body and feel its impact at the same time. It allows you to acknowledge and express your feelings. Yoga is about accepting yourself, and helps in seeing emotions as temporary and passing, just like breathing. So, practicing yoga not only enhances your mood but also helps you tackle difficult situations.

Yoga Helps In Making Peace With Impermanence

Aging is all about changes. These changes encircling our life cycle includes anything and everything. Some of them are emotional turbulence, physical restructuring of the body, relocating, and detachment (physical & mental). However, practicing yoga regularly can help you cope with all such feelings and assists you in making peace with impermanence and change. Yoga also introduces a sense of gratitude when you learn to relinquish control over your body and breath.

Learn Sun Salutation in only 3 days to start your at-home yoga practice

Health Benefits Of Performing Yoga In Old Age

Though there isn’t any age limit for performing yoga, practicing it during old age helps tackle a lot of diseases and improves the quality of living. Here are some of the benefits of performing yoga in old age:

Rescue You From Chronic Diseases

The regular practice of yoga regulates high blood pressure levels and normalizes cholesterol and blood sugar profiles. There are specific asanas that can ease the pain of patients with arthritis. There are other powerful breathing techniques in yoga that aid in preventing chronic breathing diseases like bronchitis. Performing yoga assists in eliminating chronic diseases in old age.

Treating Memory Loss & Coping With Mental Disturbances

Memory loss in old age can be a sign of Alzheimer’s or other neurological diseases. Practicing yoga can refine the functioning of the brain with increased oxygenation and blood circulation. A clear mind allows you to concentrate, be attentive, and process sensory information with clarity.
Mental disturbances like depression, anxiety, and stress are grave issues in old age. “Laughter yoga” can be effective in decreasing depression.

Preventing Loss of Balance

There are a number of things like chronic diseases, poor vision, weakness, and improper balancing that increase the risk of falling in the elderly. This can lead to minor trauma or a major fracture. Practicing yoga makes the body more mobile and strong. It also aids in controlling the brain impulse to introduce balance and prevent the body from falling.

The most powerful aspect of beginning or continuing with practicing yoga when you are not so young anymore is that you already know of a way to tap and channel your flow of energy. You can now easily access the subtleties of yoga, you are well versed with yourself, you know your limitations, and most importantly, you are old and wise but your body doesn’t feel like it. This is the power of yoga when practiced diligently and regularly. It can work wonders whatever age group you belong to.


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