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Ayurvedic Detox Practices

Spring is spring-ing in the southern U.S.! The weather has really taken a turn in the last week or so and winter’s cold clutches are finally easing off. This change toward warmer weather is always perfect for one thing in particular: spring cleaning. I am opening all my windows, cleaning the house from top to bottom, and getting rid of stuff I don’t use anymore. Spring cleaning can be such a rejuvenating and freeing activity, and it doesn’t end with our homes, we can spring clean our minds and bodies, too! Keep reading for some great ayurvedic detox practices.

First though, because I know plenty of you will want to join me in my spring cleaning: mind and body edition, I created a:

21-Day Spring Detox

so that you, too, can spring clean your mind and body (even if it doesn’t feel much like spring where you are yet.)

>>> Click here to learn more about my Spring Detox <<<

How Do You Spring Detox With Ayurveda?

One of the key components of Ayurveda is controlling the buildup of toxins in our minds and bodies. Winter is a time of hibernation and remaining more stationary. While this is a necessary down-season of the year, the lack of movement can lead to more toxin buildup than other times of the year. This cycle means that spring is the perfect time of year to undergo detox to release some of that buildup and come into spring freshened and reinvigorated. Here are some of my go-to ayurvedic detox practices.

Ayurvedic Spring Detox

Click here to watch the YouTube video

1. Scrape Your Tongue

Ayurveda practices recommend cleaning our tongues every morning. Use a tongue scraper to remove toxins from your tongue. Human mouths are notoriously unclean, filled with bacteria and other toxins. Adding mouth cleaning to your daily routine can help immensely with ridding our bodies of toxins. 

Another method for detoxing your mouth is called oil pulling. Swish sesame or coconut oil around in your mouth and then spit it out in a cup to pull toxins out. Don’t spit the oil into your drain as you may cause a clog.

2. Dry Brushing Before Shower

Dry brushing is one of the most soothing ayurvedic detox practices.  This self-care detoxifying method doesn’t involve any creams or lotions, just a body brush with firm bristles. Use the brush over your entire body. For best results, start at your ankles and work your way up using circular motions to stimulate your circulatory and limbic systems. The dry brush will work to loosen dead skin and toxins, so shower immediately after.

Another great self-care detoxifying practice is to give yourself an oil self-massage (or get someone you trust to give you one). If you shower in the mornings, give yourself an oil massage the night before and vice versa if you shower at night. Use essential oils that target toxins and use a similar technique to dry brushing; start on your lower body and work your way up in circular movements. 

3. Eat Kitchari

Eating kitchari, also spelled khichadi, is a gentle ayurvedic detox practice from India. This meal is a simple combination of white basmati rice, mung beans, and a mixture of healing spices. A common comfort meal, kitchari is also cleansing and nourishing. Kitchari is an easily-digestible complete source of protein that improves your metabolism and removes toxins from the body. Delicious comfort food that also helps us detoxify? Yes, please! Read more about a kitchari cleanse here

4. Practice Gentle Detox Yoga

If you ever feel like there’s a yoga pose for everything, you’re probably right! Yoga to help you gently detox? We’ve got that too. Our 6 favorite detox poses are:

  • Downward Facing Dog
  • 3-Legged Downward Facing Dog
  • Seated Twist
  • Eagle Pose
  • Boat Pose
  • Wide-Leg Forward Fold

These poses improve circulation, which helps our body transport and remove toxins. Some of these poses also help us detoxify mentally as well, which is just as essential as the physical aspects. Find more on the best gentle detox yoga poses here

5. Take Triphala

Triphala is an herb mixture that works wonders for detoxing. It comes in a powder form and is a combination of three different fruits: amla, bibhitaki, and haritaki. This mixture works as a mild bowel cleanser and is a fantastic method for detoxifying your digestive system. Triphala also:

  • Promotes weight loss
  • Detoxifies the body
  • Boosts immunity
  • Improves dental health
  • Benefits eye health

Join Me For More Ayurvedic Detox Practices

The Ayurvedic detox practices above are just 5 of the methods you can use to rid your body of harmful ama, or toxins, that are weighing you down. Burst into spring a rejuvenated you by joining me in my 21-day Spring Detox. I am so ready to feel lighter and healthier and I know you’re ready too.

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