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Yoga & Astrology: Yoga for the Zodiac Signs

Check out our yoga poses and yoga styles for each zodiac sign

If you are like me, you love yoga and you love astrology and ask people about their sign or birthday at least 20 minutes after you met them. So why not look to a combination of both systems and check which yoga poses and yoga styles are best for each of the zodiacs.

Each sign, like the doshas we talk about in Ayurveda, respond well to different types of movement. For example, Fire signs like Aries and Leos are known for the strength and energy so might want something a little more intense like Hot yoga. Whereas Capricorns, like myself, are the workers so prefer practices with more intricate movement, like Ashtanga.

This is not a scientific approach but rather a fun one which means you might think differently than me – but that’s the fun, right?


Click here to download a full month of my favorite free online yoga videos and start your own at home yoga practice (all videos are free and between 5 and 20 minutes).


Here is my view on yogastrology:



Warrior Poses for Aries - check out more yoga poses for the zodiac signs

Aries is a fire sign and known for its energy and internal fire. Therefore they will love the hot intensity of a Hot Yoga class.

When it comes to yoga poses they are true heroes and always ready to battle – Mars is in charge. Warrior poses are made for Aries!



As an earth sign, Taurus is stable, deliberate and steady. That is why Hatha Yoga is great for this patient sign.

Bridge Pose, like Taurus, is steady, patient and strong. It gently opens their hearts but also challenges their strength.



Bow Pose for Gemini - check out more yoga poses for the zodiac signs

Gemini is the wild twin of the zodiac signs. Kundalini Yoga helps them to channel wild energy into spiritual realization.

They talk a lot and carry a lot of tension in their shoulders. Because every Gemini loves challenges and changes Bow Pose is great to open the heart and help them to focus.



Forward Bends for Cancer - check out more yoga poses for the zodiac signs

Cancer signs are emotional and nurturing. Through restorative Yin Yoga, cancer signs feel safe and supported.

During a yoga class, they should focus on deep breathing and letting go of emotions. Forward bends will ground them, calm the nervous system and make them feel safe.



Cat and Cow for Leo - check out more yoga poses for the zodiac signs

Power Yoga is the perfect yoga style for Leos – it provides an outlet for their energy and offers a safe space to play. Also, advanced poses give them the possibility to shine.

Both Cat and Cow stretches seem easy but they allow them to move however they feel. If they feel wild they can add ‘Lion’s Breath’ to every other cat pose by sticking the tongue out and making a loud ‘haaaaa’ sound.



Plow Pose for Virgo - check out more yoga poses for the zodiac signs

Virgos love organization and order. Iyengar Yoga – a yoga style that focuses on anatomy and alignment – is great for all perfectionists out there.

Because they often get wrapped up in their head and perfectionism it is a good idea to practice poses that help them to loosen up and stimulate the thyroid to get them moving on. Plow pose can provide both!



Boat Pose for Libra - check out more yoga poses for the zodiac signs

During a Vinyasa Yoga class, you link your breath to each movement. It is quite fast and can get sweaty. That’s what makes it perfect for the always moving Libra.

Boat pose is a great pose to practice balance and give them strength but also elegance.



Yogi Squat for Scorpio - check out more yoga poses for the zodiac signs

Scorpios are probably the most intense of all zodiac signs – and they also love to talk and communicate. AcroYoga offers them exactly what they need: communication with a partner and acrobatic movements.

Because Scorpios are so passionate they crave hip opening poses like Yogi Squat to release emotions and overcome stubbornness.



Warrior II for Sagittarius - check out more yoga poses for the zodiac signs

Meditation is not a yoga style per se but it is the perfect ‘tool’ to include in every yoga session for every Sagittarius. It gives them the opportunity to bring yoga to a deeper philosophical level and find their truth on the mat.

Warrior II gives them the opportunity to gaze towards the horizon while gently opening the hips and practice their inner strength.



Tree Pose for Capricorn - check out more yoga poses for the zodiac signs

Capricorns are hard workers and don’t give up. Ashtanga Yoga offers them a structured plan (six series) and will bring them closer to their goal every day.

Because Capricorns are so rational, logical and professional, it is difficult for them to open up emotionally. Tree Pose provides them with balance, structure, and gratitude. When they arrived in the pose the challenge is to relax the muscles and let loose.



Crow Pose for Aquarius - check out more yoga poses for the zodiac signs

Aquarius want to save the world and be activists in the world. Jivamukti Yoga provides them a space to practice yoga but also focus on spirituality, chanting, and pranayama.

An Aquarius looks for stability and community. Crow Pows promotes unity around the body, strengthens the ankles and makes them feel special.



Fish Pose for Pisces - check out more yoga poses for the zodiac signs

As water signs, Pisces are deeply in touch with their emotions and crave downtime. Restorative Yoga allows them to completely relax and rest their mind, body, and soul.

Fish Pose is the perfect pose for the Neptune-ruled Pisces. This heart opening pose allows them to see the union of all things and brings tranquility and bliss.


Click here to download a full month of my favorite free online yoga videos and start your own at home yoga practice (all videos are free and between 5 and 20 minutes).


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