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How to Stay Cozy this Winter

Baby, it's cold outside. Read here how to stay cozy this winterWinter is here, and with it follows the necessity to keep yourself cozy. The season brings with it freezing temperatures and heavy snowfall. The chilly breeze and dropping temperatures cause your skin to get dry. Body metabolism during winter slows down. This is essential to conserve energy and keep the body warm. You can feel lethargic and sleepy during the cold season of winter and it is not unusual. If you have a hibernation-like approach in mind for this winter season, then hold on and reconsider.

Winter, on the contrary, can be the best season to give your home the ultimate facelift. This does not even require major investment behind the renovation. You can easily turn your abode into a cozy haven to protect yourself from harsh winter conditions. The cold season can complicate your physical and mental health. However, this can also be the best season for you to rest, rejuvenate, and practice productive self-care strategies. When you keep up with good habits like this, it becomes a lot easier to get yourself through the cold winter.

Along with self-care, you also need to focus on consuming nutritional food. Eating food that takes a long time to digest can help raise the body temperature. This will keep you warm during winter.

Here are some of the ways to make your apartment cozy and maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle to keep yourself warm:


Add cozy accents

Add tactfully placed accent pillow, throw blanket, an ottoman, or even a coverlet can warm up your home to make it feel cozy.


Infuse Seasonal Scents

Adding to the visual landscape of your home is not the only way to make it cozy. Incense sticks or diffusers provide for aromatherapy and humidifies your interiors. Soothing scents like sweet vanilla, lavender, or spicy cinnamon not only warm your space but also enhances the homely atmosphere. Here are our favorite essential oils to boost your mood.


Light a Portable Fireplace

If you do not have an in-built fireplace at home, consider getting a portable one for your adobe. This can instantly uplift your mood, make you feel cozy, is environmental-friendly, and most importantly, keep you warm.


Lay Down Floor Rugs

The most common feeling of hate you experience during winter is when your bare feet land on the cold floor. Lay down plush throw rugs to cover the flooring and make things a little more comfortable.


Install Soft Lighting and Candles

When you look forward to feeling cozier at home, install softer LED light bulbs to warm up your environment during the long winter days. Also, you can simply arrange a grouping of candles on your buffet table to amplify your ambiance.


Eat Bananas and Red Meat

Bananas are high in Vitamin B and Magnesium. They are key instruments for the proper functioning of your thyroid and adrenal glands. These glands in turn help in temperature regulation of the body. Additionally, red meat is a brilliant source of iron. This helps in transfusing oxygen throughout the body. It also enriches your immune system.


Keep Yourself Hydrated

Drinking a lot of water is a simple way to keep yourself warm during the winter. Water helps in regulating the body’s internal temperature. Even if you are not thirsty, remind yourself to drink a lot of water during the winter to prevent the core temperature of the body from dropping.


Include Honey, Dryfruits, Root Vegetables, and Ginger in Your Diet

The warm nature of honey keeps the body warm as well. It is also a great way to keep the cough, cold, and flu at bay. Include raw dry fruits like almonds, raisins, and cashews in your diet to prevent diseases like Anaemia. These dry fruits also add resistance against the cold.
Root vegetables like sweet potato, radish, turnip are slower to digest and help generate body heat. Ginger, which has thermogenic qualities helps in promoting blood flow and aids in boosting metabolism. Start your day with a cup of ginger tea every morning with a spoonful of honey in it.


Soak in the Sun

Lack of sunlight can lead to depression. Open up your windows, go out for walks early in the morning, make the most out of the daylight hours in winter by staying outside. This is bound to uplift your mood automatically.


Meditate and Workout

Your body requires exercise for smooth functioning. Go to the gym or take a yoga class to boost your health. This will help you to tackle stress and anxiety. Exercising also helps to generate body heat and thus keeps you warm, cozy, and fit even during winter. Restorative yoga is great for the winter month!


Indulge in Outdoor Winter Sports

Embrace winter rather than fighting it. If you are into outdoor sports, this is the season to enjoy several games like skiing, ice-skating, and snowboarding. These are interesting sports that can have positive impacts on you.


Keep Your Feet Warm

You have to make sure that no heat escapes through your feet. This is the preliminary step to ensure warmth for your body. You can also achieve this by wearing thick, warm, and cozy socks. Fuzzy slippers can help you as well.


Wear Comfortable PJ’s

Designer cloth might look appealing but won’t help you beat the cold weather. Oversized pajamas and fleeces might help you stay warm in those freezing nights of winter. Wear them to sleep to get a good night’s rest.


Cover-Up in Layers While Sleeping

Dressing up in layers of clothing helps you to keep warm outside, and covering yourself up with layers of blanket keeps you warm as you sleep. Wrap yourself up to make yourself comfortable during winter.


Get a Hot Bath

Pamper yourself during the winter by soaking yourself in a warm bath with your favorite soaps and salts. This is an easy way to help relax tense muscles and is a great initiative to depict self-love.


These strategies will help anyone to keep warm and cozy during the winters. Nevertheless, you have to devote yourself to all these practices. Stay true to yourself and be sincere in your approach and experience the positive changes in your life. Although, if you are subject to major seasonal depression, consult your doctor for additional support.

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