{"id":24,"date":"2018-09-06T15:55:46","date_gmt":"2018-09-06T15:55:46","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/bliss-flow.com\/?p=24"},"modified":"2019-08-23T21:37:22","modified_gmt":"2019-08-23T21:37:22","slug":"what-are-chakras","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/bliss-flow.com\/what-are-chakras\/","title":{"rendered":"What are the Chakras?"},"content":{"rendered":"


You have probably heard the word chakra before, but unless you are a dedicated yogi or you work in the complementary medicine world, you may not be fully aware of the purpose they serve. The chakras are an energy system located in the area of the spinal cord. Although there are seven well-known chakras, there are actually 114 in total.<\/p>\n

A human being is made of energy, and the chakras are the energy centers that control how we think, feel and behave. The energy system in our body also contains what is known as nadis; these are the channels along which our vital prana energy travels, and there are said to be 72,000 of them! At the various points where the nadis meet, a triangle is formed; this energetic triangle is what we call a chakra.<\/p>\n


The chakras are seen as spinning discs of energy<\/h3>\n

Despite being triangular, the chakras are symbolized by wheels, which are representative of growth, movement, and progression; the word \u2018wheel\u2019 is the translation of the word \u2018chakra\u2019.<\/p>\n

Sanskrit is the primary language of Hinduism, and it is also a philosophical language of Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism. The word chakra originated with Indian dharmic religion Jainism, and it appears in ancient literature all over the world. The Hindi translation literally means \u2018wheel of spinning energy\u2019; the Sanskrit term cakra also means \u2018wheel\u2019, but it is representative of dominion. Cakra also represents the circle of death and rebirth, or reincarnation.<\/p>\n


There are seven major chakras<\/h3>\n

Although there are many minor chakras in the body, we\u2019re focusing on the seven major ones that run down the spinal cord from the crown of the head to the base of the spine. Not all seven chakras are equal in terms of power, but each has a distinct influence over our feelings, thoughts and behaviors.<\/p>\n

Your chakras are similar to batteries. They take their recharge from the universal free energy source \u2013 or whatever name you prefer to give it! Ultimately, they are our main energy source. They connect our physical selves to our spiritual selves, and when they become imbalanced, our mental, emotional and physical states do too.<\/p>\n

Life brings us many challenges that result in stress. This is a major cause of chakra blockages; energy ceases to flow freely between the chakras and we may even become physically ill.<\/p>\n


We can learn to harness the power of the chakras<\/h3>\n

All energy contains information. With awareness, practice and discipline, we can learn to tune into our vital energy centers and interpret their messages. This is a very rewarding spiritual practice that brings us many life benefits. It is a way for us to control our emotions rather than being ruled by them. We can also access deeper intuitions so that we can rely on them to make the best possible decisions for our lives.<\/p>\n

The reach of our energy centers goes beyond the physical parameters of our bodies. They can connect with the energies of others, and that energetic information gives us a feeling about the person in front of us. That\u2019s why when we walk into a room full of people, we sometimes get a sense of who we should and shouldn\u2019t talk to. We feel inexplicably drawn to certain people, and our intuition later proves to be accurate.<\/p>\n


An overview of the seven chakras<\/h3>\n

The root (or base) chakra: Muladhara<\/h4>\n

The root chakra, known as Muladhara is found at the base of the spine and it is considered to be the \u2018first\u2019 chakra. Depicted in red, it gives energy to the chakras above it, all the way up to the Sahasrara, or \u2018crown\u2019 chakra at the top of the head.<\/p>\n

The Muladhara relates to earthly grounding and is concerned with survival. It is associated with your lower extremities and organs; in particular the feet, legs, bones, large intestine and adrenal glands. When you feel the fight or flight response, this originates in your root chakra. When blocked, you may experience feelings such as fear, disconnection from the physical world and other people, procrastination, anger, paranoia or defensiveness.<\/p>\n

Muladhara also contains the kundalini energy, which when released, is said to travel up the spine to invoke a spiritual awakening (an expanded state of consciousness).<\/p>\n

Learn more about the root chakra here!<\/a><\/p>\n


The sacral chakra: Svadhisthana<\/h4>\n

Our second chakra is called Svadhisthana, and it can be seen as our pleasure center. This chakra, depicted in orange, is positioned just above the sex organs, between the base of the spine and the navel.<\/p>\n

It helps us to appreciate the physical world, and is associated with emotion, desire, creativity, sexuality and procreation. The areas of the body ruled by this chakra are your abdomen, kidneys and bladder, as well as your circulatory and reproductive systems.<\/p>\n

When blocked, you can experience emotional difficulties, obsessions and compulsions, and unpleasant feelings such as shame and guilt.<\/p>\n

Learn more about the sacral chakra here!<\/a><\/p>\n


The solar plexus chakra: Manipuraka<\/h4>\n

The solar plexus chakra is Manipuraka, and is situated just above the navel. This chakra is responsible for drive toward action. Ambitious types who are great at multi-tasking may be strongly influenced by this chakra. Those times in your life when you feel alive, joyful and on top of your game \u2013 powerful, even \u2013 your solar plexus chakra is spinning as it should be.<\/p>\n

The solar plexus chakra is yellow, and physically it affects your adrenals, muscles, pancreas and digestive system. You may notice that when you enter into a particularly excited or nervous state, you physically feel it as a flipping sensation in your solar plexus area. That\u2019s because this chakra has a dominant influence on your emotions. If you\u2019re laughing, angry or bouncing with vibrancy, it\u2019s your solar plexus chakra.<\/p>\n

If this chakra gets blocked, you might find that you\u2019re more often angry or frustrated; you may feel you\u2019ve lost your way, or that you\u2019re a victim in some way.<\/p>\n

Learn more about the solar plexus chakra here!<\/a><\/p>\n


The heart chakra: Anahata<\/h4>\n

Anahata is a word you may have heard within spiritual circles, especially in music. It is the green chakra, positioned in the heart, and relates to all matters of the heart\u2026 so naturally it\u2019s a popular chakra! In a way it is the central point between the other chakras, something like a hub for all the emotions to be processed as they pass through.<\/p>\n

The word Anahata means \u2018unstruck sound\u2019 and it is said to be the house of the soul in Asian cultures. It\u2019s all about love, liberation, creativity, compassion, peace and harmony \u2013 the things most people strive for. When that warm feeling of being \u2018in love\u2019 overwhelms you, your heart chakra is glowing! These feelings then move down through the solar plexus and into the root chakra, which instigates physical expression.<\/p>\n

The heart chakra is associated with the heart and lungs, arms and hands, and the thymus gland. When it\u2019s blocked, you could have problems with these parts of the body, or your general immunity. On an emotional level, compassion and empathy may dwindle, and your behavior may be perceived as immoral.<\/p>\n

Learn more about the heart chakra here!<\/a><\/p>\n


The throat chakra: Vishuddhi<\/h4>\n

Interestingly, the word Vishuddhi means \u2018filter\u2019. The throat chakra is associated with expression, communication and power, because your voice is one of your most powerful tools. People with clear and functional throat chakras are likely to be good communicators: articulate, succinct and tactful. They will also be adept at manifesting what they want into their lives.<\/p>\n

The throat chakra is also responsible for self-expression and judgment, processing of ideas, and transformation. Like the heart, it largely influences creativity. This chakra is usually depicted in light blue or turquoise and is positioned in the throat area. Physically it relates to the neck, shoulders and thyroid gland.<\/p>\n

When blocked, you may feel unable to communicate your needs or opinions to others effectively. Sometimes dishonesty is also a symptom of a blocked throat chakra.<\/p>\n

Learn more about the throat chakra here!<\/a><\/p>\n


The third eye chakra: Ajna<\/h4>\n

The Ajna chakra is your third eye (or brow) chakra, and it\u2019s responsible for your inner vision, wisdom, imagination and spiritual liberation. Located between your eyebrows, it is associated with the pineal gland in your brain, which was labeled the \u2018seat of the soul\u2019 by French philosopher Ren\u00e9 Descartes.<\/p>\n

This chakra is responsible for enlightenment; when functioning optimally, it helps us to release attachment to the trials and tribulations of the outer world.<\/p>\n

The third eye chakra is represented by the color indigo. Your inquisitive nature is influenced by it and your deeper perceptions and inner knowing originate here. It is said that when you recall previous lives, you do so through the Ajna chakra. When blocked, your intuition may be stunted, your dreams confused, and your decisions unwise. Depression and austerity may be other symptoms.<\/p>\n

Learn more about the third eye chakra here!<\/a><\/p>\n


The crown chakra: Sahasrara<\/h4>\n

Situated on the top of the head and depicted in violet, the crown chakra, Sahasrara, relates to information, understanding and acceptance. Said to be our direct line to the creator, it is responsible for connection to source, destiny and ecstatic states.<\/p>\n

When the crown chakra is as it should be, you are apt to experience blissful and peaceful states. You may well be living at your highest potential. On a physical level, this chakra is associated with the central nervous system, the pituitary gland and the cerebral cortex.<\/p>\n

When blocked, your problems are likely to be of a psychological nature, such as depression, insomnia, and even delusions and schizophrenia; on a physical level you might experience neurological disorders, nerve pain, headaches or migraines.<\/p>\n

Learn more about the crown chakra here!<\/a><\/p>\n


Your chakras are the keys to bliss, balance and success<\/h3>\n

The chakra energy system is a fascinating part of human life. The way our bodies react to chakra activity is evidence in itself of the powerful influence these whirling energy centers have over our daily lives. It is prudent to pay attention to these feelings and dedicate yourself to daily practices that help them to function optimally.<\/p>\n

Yoga, meditation, healthy eating and sincere self-work are excellent ways to stay balanced and clear blockages daily. The benefits will be abundant, so make the commitment\u2026 you\u2019ve got nothing to lose!<\/p>\n


If you are interested in the chakra system and want to experience the chakra energy yourself, get our free 7 DAYS TO BLISS WORKBOOK!<\/a><\/strong><\/p>\n


You have probably heard the word chakra before, but unless you are a dedicated yogi or you work in the complementary medicine world, you may not be fully aware of the purpose they serve. The chakras are an energy system located in the area of the spinal cord. Although there are seven well-known chakras, there…<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":15789,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"_exactmetrics_skip_tracking":false,"_exactmetrics_sitenote_active":false,"_exactmetrics_sitenote_note":"","_exactmetrics_sitenote_category":0,"_genesis_hide_title":false,"_genesis_hide_breadcrumbs":false,"_genesis_hide_singular_image":false,"_genesis_hide_footer_widgets":false,"_genesis_custom_body_class":"","_genesis_custom_post_class":"","_genesis_layout":""},"categories":[16],"tags":[49,55,53,56,50,51,52,54],"yoast_head":"\nWhat are the Chakras? - Blissflow<\/title>\n<meta name=\"description\" content=\"You have probably heard the word chakra before, but unless you are a dedicated yogi or you work in the complementary medicine world, you may not be fully aware of the purpose they serve. 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