{"id":16851,"date":"2019-08-23T20:45:19","date_gmt":"2019-08-23T20:45:19","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/bliss-flow.com\/?p=16851"},"modified":"2019-08-23T20:51:20","modified_gmt":"2019-08-23T20:51:20","slug":"yoga-props","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/bliss-flow.com\/yoga-props\/","title":{"rendered":"Yoga Props: Why and How to use them"},"content":{"rendered":"


Yoga is one of the greatest ways to cater to the collective needs of the body, mind, and soul. Practicing yoga on a regular basis can work wonders for your holistic well being. While practicing yoga, the use of yoga props has become increasingly popular. Though some consider the use of these props as \u201ccheating\u201d when it comes to achieving a desired yogic pose, their benefits are many.<\/p>\n


Benefits of Using Yoga Props<\/h3>\n

Yoga props can be used in creative ways to achieve the desired results of yoga with ease.<\/p>\n


Help Quiet Your Mind<\/h4>\n

Ujjayi breathing has, for long been used to cultivate mindfulness. However, it does not provide a guarantee when it comes to calming your mind. This is where props come to play. These can help you remain present and aware of your body by providing steadiness to a certain pose. It subsequently silences the chatter and suppresses distraction, thereby helping it to attain peace and quiet. Props help keep your mind off your constant fear of falling.<\/p>\n


Motivate You to Experiment<\/h4>\n

Yoga involves a lot of experimentation. Props are, at times, the key to reap the benefits of certain poses. They also make progressions seem less intimidating. For instance, jumping through to attain a sitting posture can otherwise be considered an advanced technique. However, yoga blocks can help bring ease to the entire process. Trying to transition otherwise can lead to a stubbed toe. Blocks can also be used while performing a bridge or camel posture, where squeezing it in between your legs can force your abductor muscles to engage.<\/p>\n


Give You A Taste of True Relaxation<\/h4>\n

While practicing yoga, some postures might give you the feeling of absolute calm. However, such poses can be further enhanced using props. Supta Baddha Konasana or Supported Reclined Bound Angle can aid greater shoulder-releasing and heart-opening when you lie down on a bolster. Savasana or corpse pose can make you feel more relaxed when you have a blanket supporting your knees or head and keeping you warm. Thus, these props help you attain complete relaxation.<\/p>\n


Let You Live the Experience<\/h4>\n

Flexibility varies from person to person and sometimes even day to day. Props provide suitable variations and alternatives to people of different ages and with various constitutions so that every person can experience the pose best suited for them. It reduces the risk of injury due to the lack of flexibility during a particularly challenging pose without support. You no longer need to miss out on the blissful experience of yoga due to the inability to perform poses.<\/p>\n


Facilitate A More Personalized Practice<\/h4>\n

Though props have been in trend for over decades, their use has been rightfully justified in the present world of customization. They allow tailoring a yoga practice according to the structure and shape of your body. There might be instances when you struggle to make your body look the way it should in a pose. However, with yoga props, you can easily achieve this desired alignment. Apart from preventing major injuries, proper alignment of the body helps you extract the most out of every asana you perform.<\/p>\n


People are often afraid of using yoga props in the fear of getting injured in the process. Some, in fact, think that they might not be able to derive the complete benefit of a certain pose. Nevertheless, this is not the case. Yoga props are the best ways in which you can reduce and even prevent injuries. Moreover, they help your body open at its best to some poses which cannot be done otherwise.<\/p>\n


Important Yoga Props and How to Use Them<\/h3>\n


Bolsters are characteristically used in seated postures, ones that are held for a very long period while practicing prenatal or restorative yoga. The sturdy pillows help you ease into the poses and relax your way through the stretch and practice. Bolsters are available in different shapes and sizes to suit the requirements of the concerned person. Nevertheless, a standard bolster approximately measures 8x26x32.5 inches with an average weight of 5 pounds. They are also available in smaller sizes. The most basic way to begin using the bolster is through a supported child\u2019s pose. Stay here for a couple of minutes to attain the best results.<\/p>\n

Examples of Yoga Poses for a Yoga Block:<\/p>\n