{"id":16465,"date":"2019-04-19T21:54:47","date_gmt":"2019-04-19T21:54:47","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/bliss-flow.com\/?p=16465"},"modified":"2019-08-23T21:26:05","modified_gmt":"2019-08-23T21:26:05","slug":"ayurveda-spring-kapha","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/bliss-flow.com\/ayurveda-spring-kapha\/","title":{"rendered":"Ayurveda in Spring: An Insight to Kapha Diet and Lifestyle"},"content":{"rendered":"


According to the ayurvedic system, every season is associated with a specific set of qualities or \u201cdosha\u201d that define it. Ruled by Vata dosha, the winter months are characterized by the dark, dry, and cold atmosphere that is prevalent in the surroundings. As the sun begins to linger in the sky for longer hours, the thawing mud and softening ground announces the onset of the Springtime or Kapha season. The season starts rather cold and wet in the month of March and ends in the warmer months of May and June.<\/p>\n

As the world comes out of hibernation in the early Kapha period, Spring begins to blossom in its true form. With the birds pronouncing the beginning of the mating season, the trees begin to bloom and release pollen. Nature radiates an aura of beauty all around. However, with the thriving natural beauty around, people vulnerable to allergies often sense the effects of Kapha in their respiratory tracts. Hello, itchy eyes and runny nose!<\/p>\n

Kapha combines the water and earth element. That means Kapha is often cold, moist, and heavy. Therefore, the best way to evade a Kapha imbalance is through activities, self-care rituals, and healthy food.<\/p>\n

Some of the most commonly noted Kapha imbalances you often experience during Spring are:<\/p>\n